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Joseph Ianni

Julie Tepperman

This episode features Toronto based playwright, actor and co-founding artistic director of Convergence Theatre Julie Tepperman, as she sits down and talks to Christel about her most exciting project to date- the arrival of Baby T due October 2017. Julie reveals her excitement, her fears and the time she made the decision to just do it!!

Cameron Devereaux

In this latest episode, Christel talks to former colleague, teacher, friend and actor, Cameron Devereaux on her decision to use a sperm donor for her second child and how she gave up her successful modelling career to take care of her 1st.

Catherine Jenkins

In this episode Christel talks to Dr. Catherine Jenkins, authour and academic who never felt compelled to have children and was never in a situation where it presented itself.

Edinburgh Bonus: Sharon Jones

This special edition podcast episode was recorded from Edinburgh fringe at the Edinburgh Festival Cafe. Christel talks to theatre critic and reviewer Sharon Jones, of the Scotsgay, directly after Christel's show, on her thoughts of choosing to become a mom or not (at age 40) and whether she wants to give up the lifestyle that she loves and knows.

Precious Chong

Christel talks to Actress and Comedian (Sex and the Single Parent) Precious Chong about raising her child "solo" and maintaining her performing career, even if it means hiring the occasional sitter off of craig's list.

Madeline Donohue

In this uniquely recorded episode, busy mom Madeleine Donohue takes time from her hectic schedule to get some work done at the reference library. From there she chats to Christel about life with 2 kids, although maintaining her artistic career, her focus has changed.

David Hudson

After her guest doesn't show up, Christel pulls her husband into an interview at the last minute to hear his side of the story. In this candid interview, days before Christel leaves for the Edinburgh Fringe, to perform her show All KIDding Aside, Christel and David discuss their true feelings toward (potential) parenthood.

Kristen Janetta and Tricia Sam

Christel talks to her friends and first time moms Kristen Janetta and Tricia Sam, on the joys and struggles of their new addition to their lives.

Deanna Fleysher and Penny Ashton

In this special edition All KIDding Aside Podcast, for #Fringe70 and Toronto Fringe, Christel talks to award winning, international touring artists (and non moms) American Deanna Fleysher (Butt Kapinski) and New Zealander Penny Ashton (Olive Copperbottom) on the struggles and joys of being a touring artist, and why they could never imagine doing what they do, with kids.

Janice Israeloff

Christel talks to Actor/Comedian and Recreation Therapist Janice Israeloff. Even though her kids are adults, she is still mothering them and feels that motherhood is a life long volunteer position with no pay that you can't quit, even when you try. Despite her mothering antics, her kids turned out great and she is super proud of them.